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Rise Up!

Rise Up! Festival is a celebration of some of the many diverse voices and visions that shape Aberdeen and Scotland’s Black and PoC creative communities. Join us at the Music Hall and Lemon Tree for three days of art, music, and dialogue that challenge, inspire, and unite.

Curated by We Are Here Scotland and commissioned by Aberdeen Performing Arts, Rise Up! brings an exciting programme of unity, creativity and expression.

Thursday 2 May

Exhibition: The Diasapora Everyday

For the first time, Rise Up! has programmed an exhibition as part of the festival funded by Aberdeen City Council Creative Pilot See Fund.

Joshua Ekekwe, an artist, illustrator, and graphic designer based here in Aberdeen he will be exhibiting a series of paintings that are centred around the everyday life of the diaspora in Aberdeen. These paintings will tell the story of the somewhat mundane moments that connect those in the diaspora to their homelands, touching on doing hair, fashion, cooking etc. Printed postcards of the paintings will be made available to visitors to the exhibit, with the intent that they can write their own letters home.

Friday 3 May

Saturday 4 May

Rise Up! 2023