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EXT Brandon McPhee 21

Brandon McPhee Experience

  • Tivoli Theatre


Brandon McPhee Experience

Brandon McPhee recently began to tour his stage show in response to demand following several sell-out appearances at Eden Court Theatre Inverness. At the age of 17 Brandon won the All Scotland Senior Accordion Championship on his 3 row Shand Morino accordion. Today he is regularly playing to capacity audiences in theatres around the UK and Ireland, guest appearances for the Royal Family and has a successful recording and TV career.

Uniquely his show features two different aspects of Brandon as an instrumentalist and a vocalist.  The range of music covers many genres through trad Scottish, Irish, Folk and Country backed by a 5-piece band of experienced professional musicians including Manson Grant who features in the show with some songs.

Scottish and Country music crowned by Brandon’s ability to connect with his audience make this a winner.

Some say he plays like a wizard.  Look out!  If you catch his eye he may steal your heart!

